Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a brain on the counter, a brain in the dumpster

i had a vision that an abduction of my friend was going to occur in some small town in japan. i contacted her. i have never met her. she's just been my internet friend for a long time. she agreed to go to this location when it was supposed to occur. we were on the same flight. but i never once saw her. it was an agreement or some understanding. but, i was going to this town as well. specifically to live out the vision in which it was seen. the non human life forms wanted to communicate and study with my friend in particular. they would contact me through a series of nightmares and past recollections of their own experiments on me. she agreed to go, because she felt connected to it. and she wasn't afraid. we were in a very small private airport. and no money was involved. hannah was sitting next to me on the plane, she was listening to the descriptions of what was going to happen, with belief in it. the place ula was going, was seperate from me. we were not to see one another at all. hannah and i were driving to a seperate location and glancing over her and out the right side window, i saw a small space ship fly over the house ula was at and disappear as we drove past. we were staying at this old couples house, who were commited to a vow of silence. the list of characters there, shape shifted and were numerous. lots of old friends. there was a female there ive never seen, who kept telling us to be quiet and was close to the couple, the girl was white and blonde. hannah was the only one who knew why my presence was there. it was night time when we landed, so after catching up a bit. i went to sleep. sleeping on this couch in the downstairs room. yvonnne was in the room next door. the doors were open and facing eachother. before falling asleep i started to become startled by the unfolding events. what my purpose was, a remarkable feeling about being in a foreign country. the relationship to this extraterrestrial arrangement startled me. all of a sudden my body was encompassed by this vibration that was shifting me to another dimension. but, i was reisting it. in flashes of this resisting i could see inside the space ship and i could also see the room where i was on the couch. my voice was completely silent when i tried to scream and my body was paralyzed. i knew i could regain control if i focused. and i could start to silently talk eventually, even though i was trying to scream. i kept saying yvonne as many times as i could and then i started crawling very slowly, fighting the paralyses, toward her bed. she was dead asleep. then i switched from the word yvonne, to the word, help. she woke up and i became fully mobile. i spared her most of this details of this phenomena, and simply just told her i was being possessed by aliens, and left what ever she felt about that, up to her. she was being compassionate and warm.
so, it seemed as if for weeks or months i was living at this home. i knew the routine of everything. it was odd because the recycling box was full of old cheese blocks. one day my mom was there and she commented on how bizarre that was. everyday i stayed in doors. hardly left. i tried to leave. when i left, my astral body would start flying into outter space and my body would collapse somewhere on the street. everyone couldnt understand why i was being so reclusive in such a new place. my thoughts would often go so fast that 3 days would pass before i could even move, or even say a word. the brain was so fast that i was completely frozen in my physical body. with slow reactions that almost impaired me to any normal task. when my brain would catch up to itself, id try to go outside and explore japan. i even made it to a bus station to try to get to a smaller fishing village or the country. when my astral body would start wandering into space again. i had an idea that i would start to write down what was happening in my brain. so, that i could reach out to people. when i started writing, all the letters we numbers, and al the spaces between words were 1's or 2's. if i took the 2's away, the words would turn into letters. but if i erased the ones the words would turn into symbols. so, i just decided to erase to twos, but noone could read what was written. soon after they transformed everyone and me to a choppy bay. where orcas were jumping in abundance.

Monday, March 8, 2010

g-i rake

last night i dreamt that the great jack ruddy was after me for some reason. i ran to a look -a- like demi moores house and told her demi moore was jacks mother and he had a thing for demi moore look a likes. she also told me i was dreaming and that she was the real demi moore, when she wasnt busy being a demi moore look- a- like in my dreams. that she'd remember i was there and contact me in real life. her place was small. you walked in and her bed was immediately there. like a tiny cottage with no kitchen. she pealed the curtains open and told me to escape out the back door into the alley. jack was standing across the street staring at the front door. in order to escape via the alley i had to wait til he got inside so, i could run out. the alleys only exit near him. he stood there so long that he ended up seeing me, and my body froze. he pulled me up a couple blocks and started thrashing me on the concrete. then he picked up a metal rake and started grinding it all over my body. i sat up during one of his pauses and asked him to have sex with me before i died. he ended up telling me he would before my last breath. i remember him thrashing and thrashing until third person projections of my self came about, of complete raked body and feeling the sensation of blood pouring from everywhere. he then drug me to the steps of some womens house. who gave me a bowl of cereal. jack was getting ready to keep his promise when the cereal bowl dropped and i lied there motionless. watching two blonde haired girls talk menial shit on the steps. still with the sensation of blood dripping, and only one eye to look slightly out of.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

ancient mirrors

i felt like i was finally a cowboy in a tiny bar, about to meet a visionary rabii. i played my last "tracey trance" show last night. and it was heavy dooty. really inspiring. this noise dude todd played and shared a story. that went like this. he lived in san diego a long while and hate/loved it but had not spent time there in years. he went back to care for his 97 year old granma while his parents were abroad. ever since he can remember she was particular and obsessed with her flower arrangements. even in her delusionary state. he raided his dads closet and had this shirt on he got in africa. with squares and esoteric symbols and what not. after gazing at it for a while she said "what is the nature of the square." he went through some explanations about how lines represent physical matter and circular lines represent spirit. it goes on. and then his thoughts were. maybe altered states of consciousness, induced by things we use to get there. drugs and intellectual spiritualism etc were just reverberations of the minds of the people dying. who are constantly in it.